
How To Make The Most Of Your Holiday Travel On A Budget

The holidays are here, and for many people, that means hitting the road.

Whether you travel alone or with friends and family, holiday travel can be expensive. Airfare, gas, hotels, food, celebrations, tips – it all adds up quickly whether you go across the state or across the country.

Saving money – and time – can help make your holiday travel plans more bearable. Before you take off, consider a few ways to pinch your pennies.

  • Book your airfare and hotel 30 days or less from your desired departure date. While confirming your plans far in advance is a safe bet, it can also mean that you spend more money. Oftentimes, fares and accommodations are cheaper closer to the holidays because vendors are trying fill space.
  • Consider traveling on the actual holiday. Your flexibility may put money back in your pocket because venues are less expensive – and less crowded.
  • Travel during the week. Some travel experts consider Tuesday the best day of the week for booking travel plans because vendors are trying to fill unsold spaces from the previous weekend.
  • Stay in the big city. Most people are heading away from the bright lights of the city, but staying put can translate to more savings and fun times taking in the sights and sounds.
  • Venture off the beaten path. Smaller, less popular destinations are not as expensive and they are not as congested.
  • Stay overnight on a Sunday. Most people depart on Sunday, but including an overnight stay for Sunday can equal savings in some instances.
  • Use discount travel sites. Booking online can save time and stress by pooling available accommodations and offering better overall pricing.
  • Check out travel rewards. Perks are always great when you’re traveling. Many companies participate in discount programs and military families are eligible for numerous offers. Research what may be available before you take off!
  • Get a holiday package. Sometimes packages can cost more – but sometimes they cost less. Do your homework to figure out what may be available before you build your trip.
  • Download discount coupons. Be thrifty even on the road. Online coupons and discounts available through apps are great for saving here and there along the way.
  • Consider group travel. If it is feasible, travel with family and friends to share the expenses. Check out your options, make reservations and lock in prices to avoid accommodation hiccups – and headaches among your group.

Managing your money and your time with these simple tips can help you have happy holidays no matter where you roam!

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Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

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