No matter what kind of vehicle you drive, it is important to make sure it is safe and in good working order. That is what the annual inspection process is all about, but there are things you need to know beforehand.
If the sticker on your vehicle is rapidly running out, now is the time to do your homework. Here are five things you need to know before you take your vehicle in for inspection.
#1. It is Mainly About Safety
The main purpose of state inspection is to make sure your vehicle is safe to drive. When you bring your vehicle to the mechanic for its annual state inspection, the major focus will be on safety, not on overall operating condition.
Your vehicle will fail its inspection if the tires are bald, but not if the tread is not right for the roads you drive on. If you have questions about the mechanical condition of your vehicle, ask the service tech to address those concerns once the safety inspection is over.
#2. You Will Need Your Insurance Card and Registration
Part of the inspection process involves checking your insurance and registration status, so make sure those cards are in your glove box before you drop your vehicle off. Your mechanic will not be able to start the inspection process if you do not have proof of insurance and registration.
#3. Your Mechanic Does Not Have Any Wiggle Room
You should not get mad at your mechanic if your vehicle does not pass its state inspection. The mechanic is bound by the rules of the state, and there is no wiggle room in terms of safety or vehicle operation.
If your vehicle does not pass inspection, your mechanic will tell you what is wrong, and what you need to do to put things right. So calm down, and be happy that the state inspection process has your safety in mind.
#4. Be Wary of the Check Engine Light
If you have been driving around with your check engine light on, you may be in for a surprise come inspection time. The check engine light could cause your vehicle to fail its state inspection, so let your mechanic know about it before you make the appointment. This will give the technician time to check out the light, find the problem and fix it before the inspection begins.
#5. That Cracked Windshield is a Big No-No
Since the state inspection is all about safety, you should not expect to slip a cracked windshield past the inspection. That tiny crack may not be a big deal to you, but you may need to fix it before you send your vehicle in for inspection.
Most states require the vehicles on their roads to be inspected once or twice a year, but there are things you need to know before you make that appointment. The five tips listed above can help you get through the inspection process with a minimum of fuss and the least possible amount of money.